
英语听力2024-04-14 06:20:23小编




What does it mean to be a big star (Chinese-English) explanation:

To be a big star means that someone has a high level of fame and influence in the entertainment industry or society, widely recognized and admired by the public, and has many fans and supporters. This term is often used to describe those who have achieved great success and are highly visible in fields such as performing arts, sports, politics, etc.


你是个大明星的英文发音为 [yǒu shì gè dà míng xīng],其中“you”为 [yǒu],“are”为 [shì], “a”为 [gè],“big”为 [dà],“star”为 [míng xīng]。

How to pronounce (phonetic):

The English pronunciation of "你是个大明星" is [yǒu shì gè dà míng xīng], with "you" pronounced as [yǒu], "are" as [shì], "a" as [gè], "big" as [dà], and "star" as [míng xīng].




The phrase "你是个大明星" is often used to describe someone's level of fame and influence in the entertainment industry or society, or to praise someone's great success and achievements. It can be used as a compliment or as an adjective phrase to modify a noun.


1. 她出道不久就成为了一位大明星。

She became a big star shortly after her debut.

2. 他们都梦想着能够成为一位大明星。

They all dream of becoming a big star.

3. 这位年轻演员凭借出色的表演技巧,很快就成为了一颗新晋的大明星。

This young actor quickly became a rising star with his outstanding acting skills.

4. 他们把他视作娱乐圈中最具潜力的新晋大明星。

They see him as the most promising new big star in the entertainment industry.

5. 这部电影让他一夜成名,从此他就是一位大明星了。

This movie made him famous overnight and he became a big star since then.


1. 明星 (míng xīng):指在某个领域受到广泛关注和认可的人,比如电影明星、运动明星等。

2. 资深明星 (zī shēn míng xīng):指在某个领域经历丰富、地位较高的明星。

3. 红人 (hóng rén):指在社会上有很高知名度和影响力的人,也可以指网红或网络大V。

4. 大腕 (dà wàn):指在某个领域拥有极高知名度和影响力的人,通常用来形容那些成功并备受瞩目的人。

5. 大咖 (dà kā):指在某个领域具备超强实力和影响力的人,也可以用来形容那些备受尊敬和仰慕的人。

Synonyms and usage:

1. 明星 (míng xīng): refers to someone who is widely recognized and admired in a certain field, such as movie stars, sports stars, etc.

2. 资深明星 (zī shēn míng xīng): refers to a seasoned star with rich experience and high status in a certain field.

3. 红人 (hóng rén): refers to someone with high fame and influence in society, can also refer to internet celebrities or online influencers.

4. 大腕 (dà wàn): refers to someone with extremely high fame and influence in a certain field, often used to describe those who have achieved great success and are highly visible.

5. 大咖 (dà kā): refers to someone with super strength and influence in a certain field, can also be used to describe those who are highly respected and admired.


