
英语听力2024-04-14 07:07:16小编



英文解释:Beauty doomed, refers to the fate of beautiful women who often suffer from unfortunate circumstances. This phrase originated from ancient China and is usually used to describe those who are of noble status, exceptionally beautiful, but ultimately meet tragic endings. In modern society, this phrase can also be used to describe any woman who encounters an unfortunate fate.

二:怎么读(音标):jiā rén bó mìng [jiā rén: jiā (jia) + rén (ren); bó mìng: bó (bo) + mìng (ming)]



1. 她是一位佳人薄命的女子,在年轻时就遇到了许多不幸。(She is a woman doomed to misfortune, who has encountered many unfortunate events in her youth.)

2. 佳人薄命的故事在古今中外都有。(The story of beauty doomed can be found in both ancient and modern times.)

3. 她是一位佳人薄命,但她仍然保持着乐观的心态。(She is a woman doomed to misfortune, but she still maintains an optimistic attitude.)

4. 这部电影讲述了一位佳人薄命的女性在逆境中坚强生活的故事。(This movie tells the story of a woman doomed to misfortune who lives strong in adversity.)

5. 虽然她是一位佳人薄命,但她依然拥有一颗善良的心。(Despite being a woman doomed to misfortune, she still has a kind heart.)


1. 美女遭遇不幸:也可以用来形容美丽的女性遭受不幸命运。

2. 命运多舛:形容一个人的命运经常受到挫折和不幸。

3. 遭遇悲剧结局:指一个人最终遇到不幸或悲惨的结局。

4. 美丽与悲哀并存:指一个女性即拥有美貌,又面对悲惨的命运。

5. 美人命苦:也可以用来形容美丽女性遭受不幸的命运。

