
英语听力2024-04-14 07:50:52小编




Emigrant (n.) - a person who lives outside their own country, often for work, study or business reasons. Emigrants usually have dual citizenship, retaining their original nationality while also obtaining the citizenship of their new country.


侨民 [qiáo mín]



The term emigrant is commonly used to describe those who live outside their own country. It can be used as a noun or an adjective. As a noun, it can refer to an individual or a group of people; as an adjective, it describes things related to emigrants.


1. 他们是一群勇敢的侨民,为了追求更好的生活而离开自己的祖国。

They are a brave group of emigrants who left their homeland in pursuit of a better life.

2. 侨民在新居住国可能会遇到很多挑战,包括语言障碍、文化差异等。

Emigrants may face many challenges in their new country, such as language barriers and cultural differences.

3. 这个对侨民有非常友好的移民,吸引了许多外国人来定居。

This country has a very welcoming immigration policy towards emigrants, attracting many foreigners to settle here.

4. 他们是一家侨民餐厅,提供正宗的家乡菜肴给那些想念故乡味道的人。

They run an emigrant restaurant, serving authentic hometown dishes for those who miss the taste of home.

5. 作为一个侨民,我总是感激自己有机会体验不同的文化,并融入这个美丽的。

As an emigrant, I am always grateful for the opportunity to experience different cultures and assimilate into this beautiful country.


1. 移民 (mí mín) - 同样指定居或居住在自己原来以外的人,但通常强调其移居到另一个并获得新身份。

Immigrant (n.) - also refers to someone who lives outside their own country, but often emphasizes their move to another country and obtaining a new citizenship.

2. 海外华人 (hǎi wài huá rén) - 指居住在海外的人,通常指华人移民。

Overseas Chinese (n.) - refers to Chinese people living overseas, often used to describe Chinese emigrants.


