
英语听力2024-04-14 08:58:04小编



How to pronounce: [bǎo xiǎn xiāng]

Usage: 保险箱可以用来存放珠宝、现金、重要文件等贵重物品。

Example sentences:

1. 我把和重要文件都放在保险箱里。

I put my passport and important documents in the safe.

2. 银行的保险箱里存放着大量的现金和贵重物品。

The bank's safe holds a large amount of cash and valuable items.

3. 他们把珠宝都锁在了保险箱里,以防止被盗。

They locked their jewelry in the safe to prevent theft.

4. 这家酒店每间客房都配备了一台保险箱,方便客人存放贵重物品。

Each room in this hotel is equipped with a safe for guests to store their valuables.

5. 她打开了保险箱,取出了一封信。

She opened the safe and took out a letter.

Synonyms and usage:

1. 金库 (jīn kù) - vault, used for storing large amounts of money or valuables.

2. 保管箱 (bǎo guǎn xiāng) - storage box, used for keeping important items safe.

3. 保险柜 (bǎo xiǎn guì) - safe, a secure container for storing valuable items.

4. 保险库 (bǎo xiǎn kù) - safety deposit box, a small safe used for storing personal belongings in banks.

5. 储物柜 (chǔ wù guì) - locker, a small secure storage unit used for personal belongings.

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