
英语听力2024-04-14 09:21:01小编



How to read: xìn yòng zhèng (xìn yòng zhèng)

Usage: 信用证 can be used as a noun in a sentence.

Example sentences:

1. 我们需要一份有效的信用证来保证这次交易的顺利进行。

We need a valid letter of credit to ensure the smooth progress of this transaction.

2. 这家银行提供了非常灵活的信用证服务,让我们在国际贸易中更加放心。

This bank offers very flexible letter of credit services, making us feel more at ease in international trade.

3. 他们拒绝接受付款方式为信用证,因为他们不相信对方的诚意。

They refused to accept payment by letter of credit because they didn't trust the other party's sincerity.

4. 我们必须在收到有效的信用证后才能发货。

We must receive a valid letter of credit before we can ship the goods.

5. 请确保你提供给我们的信用证符合国际贸易规范。

Please make sure that the letter of credit you provide us with complies with international trade standards.

Synonyms and usage:

1. 付款保函 (fù kuǎn bǎo hán) - payment guarantee letter

2. 信用保函 (xìn yòng bǎo hán) - credit guarantee letter

3. 付款担保 (fù kuǎn dān bǎo) - payment guarantee

4. 信用担保 (xìn yòng dān bǎo) - credit guarantee

5. 支付保函 (zhī fù bǎo hán) - payment letter of guarantee

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