
英语听力2024-04-14 09:58:07小编




The meaning of "倦鸟知还" is that when a person or animal feels tired and exhausted, they are aware that they need to rest or relax. This phrase comes from a fable in ancient China called "The Tired Bird Knows to Return to Its Branch, the Weary Horse Feels the Autumn Grass", which is used to metaphorically remind people to take care of themselves and take breaks in work or life.


"倦鸟知还"的拼音为juàn niǎo zhī huán,音标为/jwɑn niɑʊ ʒi hwan/。




1. 她已经连续工作了三天,看起来很累,但是倦鸟知还,她仍然坚持完成了任务。

She has been working for three days in a row, looking exhausted, but she knows to rest and still managed to finish the task.

2. 在忙碌的工作之余,我们也应该学会倦鸟知还,放松身心。

Amidst busy work, we should also learn to take breaks and relax like a tired bird.

3. 他是一个勤奋的人,但是也要注意倦鸟知还,不要过度劳累。

He is a hardworking person, but he also needs to know when to rest and not overwork himself.

4. 据说这个公司的文化很重视员工的健康和休息,每天下午都会有一个"倦鸟知还"的时间让员工放松一下。

It is said that this company values the health and rest of its employees, and there is a "knowing when to rest" time in the afternoon for employees to relax.

5. 我们应该学会倦鸟知还,在忙碌的生活中也要留出时间来休息和调整自己。

We should learn to know when to rest, and make time for breaks and self-adjustment in our busy lives.


1. 倦鸟归巢:指倦鸟回到自己的巢穴休息,比喻人们在疲劳时回到自己的家中休息。

2. 了然于胸:指明白、了解某件事情的或道理。

3. 自知之明:指自我认识、了解自己的能力和局限性。

4. 自省:指反思、审视自己的行为和思想,寻求改进和成长。

5. 恰到好处:指做事恰如其分,把握得当。


