
英语听力2024-04-14 12:19:16小编




Brotherly Strife (meaning in Chinese and English):

Brotherly strife refers to conflicts between close brothers due to certain reasons, resulting in broken relationships or enmity. This idiom originated from a legendary story in ancient China, which metaphorically represents conflicts and disagreements among family members, friends or colleagues.


兄弟阋墙的读音为 “xiōng dì xì qiáng”,其中“xiōng”读作 /ʃjʊŋ/,“dì”读作 /di/,“xì”读作 /si/,“qiáng”读作 /tɕiɑŋ/。

How to pronounce (phonetic):

The pronunciation of 兄弟阋墙 is "xiōng dì xì qiáng". "xiōng" is pronounced as /ʃjʊŋ/, "dì" is pronounced as /di/, "xì" is pronounced as /si/, and "qiáng" is pronounced as /tɕiɑŋ/.




Brotherly strife is usually used to describe conflicts and disagreements in close relationships, or to metaphorically represent sudden conflicts between people who used to get along well. It can be used as a noun or a verb.


1. 他们之间的兄弟阋墙已经持续了很长时间,都快忘记是因为什么起的了。

Their brotherly strife has been going on for so long that they almost forgot the reason behind it.

2. 兄弟阋墙最后导致了两个兄弟分道扬镳,再也没有。

The brotherly strife eventually led to the two brothers going their separate ways and never speaking again.

3. 我们兄弟之间虽然有过一些小的争吵,但是从来没有发生过兄弟阋墙。

Although we have had some minor arguments between us brothers, there has never been any brotherly strife.

4. 在他们家族里,兄弟阋墙是一个常见的现象,每一代都会有不同程度的。

In their family, brotherly strife is a common occurrence, with conflicts happening in every generation.

5. 他们之间曾经有过一段兄弟阋墙,但是最后还是和解了,关系变得更加亲密。

They had a period of brotherly strife, but eventually reconciled and their relationship became even closer.


1. 兄弟不和(Brotherly discord):指兄弟间的不和谐关系,也可以用来形容其他亲密关系中的。

2. 兄弟反目(Brotherly estrangement):指兄弟之间产生隔阂和敌意,导致关系破裂。

3. 兄弟相残(Brotherly feud):指兄弟之间发生激烈的争斗或者仇恨。

4. 兄弟相斗(Brotherly conflict):指兄弟之间发生或者争吵。

5. 兄弟不睦(Brotherly enmity):指兄弟之间存在着敌意和仇恨。

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Brotherly discord: refers to disharmony between brothers, can also describe conflicts in other close relationships.

2. Brotherly estrangement: refers to the alienation and enmity between brothers, resulting in broken relationships.

3. Brotherly feud: refers to intense fighting or hatred between brothers.

4. Brotherly conflict: refers to conflicts or quarrels between brothers.

5. Brotherly enmity: refers to the presence of ility and hatred between brothers.


