
英语听力2024-04-14 14:47:24小编



Public Utility Management (Environmental Economics and Management Direction) refers to the planning, organization and management of public services and resources related to the environment by the government or other public institutions, in order to promote sustainable development of the environment and improve social welfare.

二:怎么读(音标):[pʌblɪk juːˈtɪləti ˈmænɪdʒmənt]



1. 公共事业管理(环境经济与管理方向)是一个重要的学科,它能够帮助我们更有效地保护和管理环境资源。

Public Utility Management (Environmental Economics and Management Direction) is an important discipline that can help us better protect and manage environmental resources.

2. 随着人们对环境问题的关注度增加,公共事业管理(环境经济与管理方向)的专业人才需求也日益增加。

With the increasing attention to environmental issues, the demand for professionals in Public Utility Management (Environmental Economics and Management Direction) is also growing.

3. 公共事业管理(环境经济与管理方向)的目标是实现经济发展和环境保护的双赢局面。

The goal of Public Utility Management (Environmental Economics and Management Direction) is to achieve a win-win situation for economic development and environmental protection.

4. 为了更好地推进公共事业管理(环境经济与管理方向),部门需要加强监管和制定。

In order to better promote Public Utility Management (Environmental Economics and Management Direction), government departments need to strengthen supervision and policy making.

5. 公共事业管理(环境经济与管理方向)专业人士在、企业和非营利组织中都能发挥重要作用,为可持续发展做出贡献。

Professionals in Public Utility Management (Environmental Economics and Management Direction) play an important role in government, business, and non-profit organizations, contributing to sustainable development.


Synonyms and usage: Public Utility Management (Environmental Economics and Management Direction) can also be referred to as Public Service Management, Public Welfare Management or Social Welfare Management, all of which refer to a way of managing and providing public services and resources through public institutions. Similarly, these areas also require professionals for management and decision-making, in order to promote social welfare and sustainable development.

