
英语听力2024-04-14 16:14:13小编




What does "兴风作浪" mean?

"兴风作浪" means that someone or a group of people deliberately create trouble, chaos or controversy to achieve their own goals. This phrase is often used to describe those who like to stir up trouble and create discord, and it can also be used to describe the negative impact caused by certain behaviors or events.


兴风作浪 (xīng fēng zuò làng)




This phrase is often used to describe those who like to stir up trouble and create discord, and it can also be used to describe the negative impact caused by certain behaviors or events. It can be used in both spoken and written language, and in most cases, it has a negative connotation.


1. 这个政党一直在兴风作浪,导致社会不稳定。(This political party has been causing trouble, leading to social instability.)

2. 他总是喜欢兴风作浪,把别人的事情搅得一团糟。(He always likes to stir up trouble and make a mess of other people's affairs.)

3. 这次的骚乱是由一群年轻人兴风作浪引起的。(The riots this time were caused by a group of young people who were stirring up trouble.)

4. 那个新来的员工经常兴风作浪,导致公司内部关系紧张。(The new employee often causes trouble, leading to tense relationships within the company.)

5. 我们必须采取措施防止那些想要兴风作浪的人影响我们的计划。(We must take measures to prevent those who want to cause trouble from affecting our plans.)


1. 挑拨离间 (tiǎo bō lí jiàn):搞分裂、制造矛盾

2. 制造麻烦 (zhì zào má fan):故意制造问题或困难

3. 捣乱 (dǎo luàn):无理取闹、制造混乱

4. 惹事生非 (rě shì shēng fēi):喜欢惹麻烦、挑起事端

5. 煽风点火 (shān fēng diǎn huǒ):故意煽动、挑拨


1. 挑拨离间 (tiǎo bō lí jiàn): to cause division, create conflicts

2. 制造麻烦 (zhì zào má fan): to deliberately create problems or difficulties

3. 捣乱 (dǎo luàn): to make trouble, cause chaos

4. 惹事生非 (rě shì shēng fēi): to like causing trouble, provoke conflicts

5. 煽风点火 (shān fēng diǎn huǒ): to deliberately incite, instigate


