
英语听力2024-04-14 17:56:20小编



How to read: nóng yè jì shù jīng jì

Usage: 农业技术经济可以帮助农民提高农作物的产量和质量,并且降低生产成本,从而增加农民的收入。

Example Sentences:

1. 农业技术经济在我国的发展取得了巨大的成就。

Agricultural technology economy has achieved great success in China's development.

2. 农业技术经济对于解决粮食安全问题起着重要作用。

Agricultural technology economy plays an important role in solving food security issues.

3. 农业技术经济的发展可以促进乡村地区的现代化建设。

The development of agricultural technology economy can promote the modernization of rural areas.

4. 应该加大对农业技术经济发展的支持力度。

The government should increase its support for the development of agricultural technology economy.

5. 农民通过学习新的农业技术经济知识,提高了自己的生产水平。

Farmers have improved their production level by learning new knowledge of agricultural technology economy.

Synonyms and Usage:

农业科技经济 (nóng yè kē jì jīng jì) - agricultural science and technology economy

农业现代化 (nóng yè xiàn dài huà) - agricultural modernization

农村经济发展 (nóng cūn jīng jì fā zhǎn) - rural economic development

Editor's Summary:

