Ice Bowl Autumn Moon is a term used to describe the scene where, in the cold winter, the sky is clear, the moon is bright, and the fallen leaves of autumn are scattered on the ground like ice bowls. This phrase is composed of two images from ancient Chinese poetry – “Autumn Moon” and “Ice Bowl”, describing the beautiful scenery of fallen leaves under the clear and bright moonlight in autumn.
冰壶秋月读音为 bīng hú qiū yuè,拼音为bing1 hu2 qiu1 yue4。
1. 秋天的夜晚,我最喜欢欣赏冰壶秋月下的美景。
I love to admire the beautiful scenery under the Ice Bowl Autumn Moon on autumn nights.
2. 这幅画描绘了冰壶秋月的美丽景色,让人心旷神怡。
This painting depicts the beautiful scenery of Ice Bowl Autumn Moon, which is refreshing and delightful.
3. 冰壶秋月下,我和朋友们一起散步,欣赏着落叶的美妙舞蹈。
Under the Ice Bowl Autumn Moon, my friends and I take a walk together, enjoying the wonderful dance of fallen leaves.
4. 每年的秋天,我都会来到这个公园,沉浸在冰壶秋月的宁静中。
Every autumn, I come to this park and immerse myself in the tranquility of Ice Bowl Autumn Moon.
5. 冰壶秋月的美景让我想起了古人吟唱的诗词,感受到了岁月的流逝。
The beautiful scenery of Ice Bowl Autumn Moon reminds me of the poems sung by ancient people, and makes me feel the passage of time.
1. 秋月清辉:也是形容秋夜明亮的月光下景色的词语。
2. 落叶飘零:形容秋天树叶纷纷飘落的景象。
3. 金风玉露:形容金色的风和晶莹剔透的露水,在古诗词中常用来描写秋天的景色。