
英语听力2024-04-14 18:58:59小编




Metallurgy is the science of studying and applying metals and their alloys, aiming to modify their physical, chemical and mechanical properties to meet specific requirements. It involves extracting metals from ores, processing them through processes such as smelting, casting, forging, etc., and ultimately producing various products.


冶金:yě jīn [yè jīn]



The term metallurgy is usually used as a noun to refer to a discipline or industry. It can also be used as an adjective to describe something related to metallurgy.


1. 冶金工程师负责设计和监督生产过程中使用的各种设备。

Metallurgical engineers are responsible for designing and overseeing the use of various equipment in the production process.

2. 冶金学家们正在寻找新的方法来提高金属的强度和耐蚀性。

Metallurgists are searching for new methods to improve the strength and corrosion resistance of metals.

3. 这家公司专门从事冶金产品的生产和销售。

This company specializes in the production and sale of metallurgical products.

4. 冶金工业对经济发展起着重要的作用。

The metallurgical industry plays an important role in the economic development of a country.

5. 这本书详细介绍了冶金学的基本理论和实践应用。

This book provides a detailed introduction to the basic theory and practical application of metallurgy.


1. 金属学(metallography):也是研究金属及其合金的学科,但更侧重于研究其内部组织结构和性能。

2. 冶炼学(pyrometallurgy):主要研究通过高温熔化来提取金属的方法和过程。

3. 有色冶金(non-ferrous metallurgy):专门指处理非铁质金属的冶金学,如铜、铝、镁等。

4. 粉末冶金(powder metallurgy):通过将粉末压制成形再进行高温处理来制造各种零件和工具的技术。

1. Metallography: Also a discipline that studies metals and their alloys, but with a focus on their internal structure and properties.

2. Pyrometallurgy: Mainly studies the methods and processes of extracting metals through high-temperature melting.

3. Non-ferrous metallurgy: Specifically refers to the metallurgy of non-ferrous metals such as copper, aluminum, magnesium, etc.

4. Powder metallurgy: A technology that manufactures various parts and tools by pressing powder into shape and then subjecting it to high temperature treatment.


