
英语听力2024-04-14 20:36:11小编



英文解释:To reveal one's true nature or intentions, usually in a negative or unfavorable way. It can also refer to the exposure of someone's true identity or plans, making it impossible for them to hide. This phrase is often used to describe the embarrassment and humiliation that comes with being exposed after trying to conceal the truth.

二:怎么读(音标):[xiōng xiàng bì lù]



1. After years of pretending to be a kind and generous person, his true nature was finally revealed and his evil intentions were laid bare. (多年来假装善良慷慨,他的真实本性终于被揭露,他邪恶的意图也暴露无遗。)

2. The scandal caused the politician's true colors to be exposed and his political career was ruined. (这起丑闻导致家的真面目被揭露,他的生涯也因此毁于一旦。)

3. The company's fraudulent activities were finally uncovered and their deceitful practices were brought to light. (公司的欺诈行为终于被揭露,它们的欺骗手段也被曝光。)

4. She thought she could keep her affair a secret, but when her husband found out, her infidelity was laid bare for all to see. (她以为她能保守她的婚外情,但当她丈夫后,她的不忠行为就被暴露给所有人看了。)

5. The con artist's true identity was finally revealed and he was arrested for his fraudulent schemes. (骗子的真实身份终于被揭露,他因为欺诈计划而被逮捕。)


