
英语听力2024-04-14 21:02:50小编




Export Collection Verification Form (ECVF) is a document submitted by the exporter to the foreign exchange administration department, which serves as proof of the exporter's foreign trade income. The form records the amount of payment received from overseas customers, payment methods, and related taxes and fees. It can be used as a basis for exporters to apply for foreign exchange settlement and tax refund from banks.


/ˈekspɔːt kəˈlekʃən ˌvɜːrɪfɪˈkeɪʃən fɔːm/



The Export Collection Verification Form is usually filled out and submitted by the finance department or foreign trade manager to the foreign exchange administration department. It is required as proof when conducting foreign trade settlement and tax refund procedures.


1. 我们需要准备出口收汇核销单来申请结汇。

We need to prepare the Export Collection Verification Form to apply for foreign exchange settlement.

2. 出口商应当在货物发运后的90天内向外汇管理部门提交出口收汇核销单。

Exporters should submit the Export Collection Verification Form to the foreign exchange administration department within 90 days after shipment.

3. 出口商必须提供出口收汇核销单作为证明,才能享受退税优惠。

Exporters must provide the Export Collection Verification Form as proof in order to enjoy tax refund preferential policies.

4. 外贸公司的财务人员需要熟悉填写出口收汇核销单的要求。

The finance personnel of foreign trade companies need to be familiar with the requirements for filling out the Export Collection Verification Form.

5. 出口商可以通过银行或者外汇管理部门获取最新版的出口收汇核销单。

Exporters can obtain the latest version of the Export Collection Verification Form from banks or foreign exchange administration departments.


1. 出口结算证明书(Export Settlement Certificate):与出口收汇核销单类似,也是用于证明出口商对外贸易收入的一种文件。

2. 收款凭证(Receipt Voucher):也可作为证明文件,记录了从海外客户处收到的货款金额及支付方式。

3. 出口收汇单(Export Collection Form):也是一种记录出口商收到的海外货款的单据,但与出口收汇核销单略有不同。

4. 出口结算申请表(Export Settlement Application Form):用于申请结汇时提交给银行或外汇管理部门的表格,通常需要附带出口收汇核销单作为证明。

5. 外贸收入证明(Foreign Trade Income Certificate):也是用于证明外贸收入的一种文件,可以包括出口收汇核销单在内。


