
英语听力2024-04-14 21:38:52小编


1. 出货的意思是指将商品或产品从供应商处运送到客户处的过程,也可以指已经运送到客户处的商品或产品。出货通常是指商业交易中的一部分,它涉及到物流、仓储和销售等环节。

How to read: chū huò

Usage: 出货 is a noun and can be used as a verb phrase "出货给" (deliver to) or "出货量" (shipment volume).

Example Sentences:

1. 我们需要加快出货速度,以满足客户的需求。

We need to speed up the shipment process to meet the demands of our customers.

2. 今天我们收到了一批新产品,我们准备立即开始出货。

Today we received a new batch of products and we are ready to start shipping immediately.

3. 我们公司的每月出货量都在稳步增长。

The monthly shipment volume of our company has been steadily increasing.

4. 客户对我们的出货速度很满意,他们说我们是最快的供应商。

Our customers are satisfied with our shipment speed, they say we are the fastest supplier.

5. 这个月我们的出货目标是达到1000件产品。

Our shipment goal for this month is to reach 1000 units of products.

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 发货 (fā huò) - can also mean "to ship/deliver goods"

2. 运输 (yùn shū) - can also mean "transportation"

3. 销售 (xiāo shòu) - can also mean "sales"

4. 送货 (sòng huò) - can also mean "deliver goods"

5. 出货量 (chū huò liàng) - can also mean "shipment volume"

Editor's Summary:

出货 is a common term used in business and commerce to refer to the shipment process of goods or products from suppliers to customers. It is an essential part of the supply chain and involves logistics, warehousing, and sales. Other similar terms such as 发货, 运输, 销售, 送货, and 出货量 can also be used in certain contexts. As a dictionary editor, it is important to provide accurate and concise definitions for commonly used words like 出货 to help readers understand their meanings in different contexts.
