
英语听力2024-04-14 22:04:43小编




(The meaning of "fen tao" (Chinese and English) explanation

Fen tao refers to the equal distribution of something or wealth between two people, or the equal sharing of something or wealth between two people. This word originates from a story in Chinese legend called "The Legend of the White Snake", in which Bai Niangzi and Xu Xian equally shared a peach, hence "fen tao" also has the meaning of friendship and intimacy.)


分桃的拼音为fēn táo,其中“fēn”读作[fən],“táo”读作[tɑʊ]。

(How to read (phonetic)

The pinyin of fen tao is fēn táo, with "fēn" pronounced as [fən] and "táo" pronounced as [tɑʊ].)


1. 分桃可以用作动词,表示将某物或者财富等平均分配给两个人。

2. 分桃也可以用作名词,指平均分配的事物或者财富。

3. 分桃还可以用来比喻两个人平分一件事物或者财富,表示两人关系密切。


1. Fen tao can be used as a verb, meaning to equally distribute something or wealth between two people.

2. Fen tao can also be used as a noun, referring to the thing or wealth that is equally shared.

3. Fen tao can also be used metaphorically to describe the equal sharing of something or wealth between two people, indicating a close relationship between them.)


1. 他们俩是最好的朋友,经常一起分享生活中的点点滴滴,就像是在分桃一样。(They are best friends and often share every little detail of their lives together, just like sharing a peach.)

2. 姐妹俩之间总是互相帮助,分桃一样地分享着彼此的快乐和烦恼。(The sisters always help each other and share their joys and troubles just like sharing a peach.)

3. 在这个团队里,大家都像是在分桃一样平等地享受着成功带来的荣耀。(In this team, everyone is enjoying the glory brought by success equally, just like sharing a peach.)

4. 父母总是把家里最好的东西分桃给我们兄弟姐妹,让我们感受到平等和亲密的关系。(Our parents always share the best things in the family with us siblings, making us feel equal and close.)

5. 在这个社会上,我们应该学会如何分桃而不是嫉妒他人的成功。(In this society, we should learn how to share the success of others instead of being envious.)


1. 平分:表示将某物或者财富等平均分配给两个人,与“分桃”意思相近。

2. 分享:表示将某件事物或者经历等与他人一起分享,可以用来比喻“分桃”中的友好、亲密关系。

3. 平均分配:表示将某物或者财富等按照相同的比例分配给多个人,也可以用来描述“分桃”的行为。

(Synonyms and usage

1. Ping fen: means to equally distribute something or wealth between two people, similar to "fen tao".

2. Fen xiang: means to share something or experience with others, can be used metaphorically to describe the friendly and intimate relationship in "fen tao".

3. Ping jun fen pei: means to distribute something or wealth equally among multiple people, can also be used to describe the act of "fen tao".)



(Editor's summary

In Chinese culture, "fen tao" is a word with deep meaning. It not only refers to the equal distribution of wealth, but also reflects a friendly and intimate relationship. It can also be used to metaphorically describe equality and sharing between people, representing a beautiful quality and value. Therefore, in our daily lives, we should learn how to "fen tao", to share and help others, making the world a more harmonious and beautiful place.)
