
英语听力2024-04-14 22:57:55小编




What does "初四" mean (in Chinese and English)?

"Chu Si" refers to the fourth day of the first month in the lunar calendar, which is also known as the fourth day of the Chinese New Year. In China, "Chu Si" is commonly known as "Xiao Nian", which is the last important festival before the Spring Festival.


初四(chū sì)




"Chu Si" is usually used to refer to the fourth day of the first month in the lunar calendar, or to refer to the last important festival before the Spring Festival, "Xiao Nian".


1. 明天就是初四了,我们要准备过小年了。

Tomorrow will be "Chu Si", we need to prepare for "Xiao Nian".

2. 初四这天,家家户户都会贴上门神和福字。

On "Chu Si", every household will put up door gods and lucky words.

3. 在,人们会在初四这天拜祭祖先。

In China, people will worship their ancestors on "Chu Si".

4. 初四是一个重要的节日,家人会聚在一起吃团圆饭。

"Chu Si" is an important festival, families will gather together to have a reunion dinner.

5. 初四这天,很多地方都会有烟火表演和庙会活动。

On "Chu Si", there will be fireworks displays and temple fairs in many places.



1. 初四 (chū sì):最常用的说法,也是最通用的。

2. 小年 (xiǎo nián):通常指春节前最后一个重要的节日,也可以用来指代初四这一天。

3. 腊月二十八 (là yuè èr shí bā):在农历腊月(十二月)每个月有28天,因此初四就是腊月二十八。

4. 祭灶节 (jì zào jié):在一些地区,初四也被称为祭灶节,人们会祭拜灶王爷以求平安和吉祥。

Synonyms and Usage:

Apart from "Chu Si", there are several other ways to refer to the fourth day of the first month in the lunar calendar:

1. "Chu Si" (chū sì): the most commonly used and general term.

2. "Xiao Nian" (xiǎo nián): usually refers to the last important festival before the Spring Festival, but can also be used to refer to "Chu Si".

3. "La Yue Er Shi Ba" (là yuè èr shí bā): in the lunar calendar, each month has 28 days, so "Chu Si" is also known as "La Yue Er Shi Ba".

4. "Ji Zao Jie" (jì zào jié): in some regions, "Chu Si" is also called "Ji Zao Jie", where people worship the Kitchen God for safety and good luck.


