割肉饲虎(gē ròu sì hǔ)是一种比喻性的成语,指的是为了满足暴君或者强权者的需求而牺牲自己或他人的利益。这个成语源自于古代的一个故事,故事中有一位国王养了一只猛虎,每天都需要用大量的肉来喂养它。为了满足猛虎的需求,国王不惜割下自己身上的肉来喂养它,从而被人们称为“割肉饲虎”。
How to pronounce: gē ròu sì hǔ
Usage: 这个成语通常用来形容某人为了迎合上级或者权力者而牺牲自己或他人的利益。
Example sentences:
1. 他为了谋取上的利益,不惜向暴君割肉饲虎。
He sacrificed his own interests to please the tyrant in order to gain political benefits.
2. 在那个的里,很多官员都不惜割肉饲虎来换取更多的权力和财富。
In that corrupt government, many officials are willing to sacrifice their own interests in exchange for more power and wealth.
3. 她总是把自己放在最后,为了满足丈夫的需求,不惜割肉饲虎。
She always puts herself last and is willing to sacrifice her own interests to meet her husband's needs.
4. 这位商人为了保住自己的生意,不得不每天割肉饲虎,给官员送礼金。
In order to keep his business, this businessman has to bribe government officials every day.
5. 为了获得更多的利益,他们不惜割肉饲虎,将自己的同胞出卖给外国势力。
In order to gain more benefits, they are willing to betray their own compatriots to foreign powers.
Synonyms and usage:
1. 奉承上级 (fèng chéng shàng jí) - flatter superiors
2. 谄媚权贵 (chǎn mèi quán guì) - fawn over the powerful
3. 拍马屁 (pāi mǎ pì) - suck up, brown-nose
4. 逢迎奉承 (féng yíng fèng chéng) - cater to, pander to
5. 委曲求全 (wěi qū qiú quán) - compromise for the sake of self-interest
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