
英语听力2024-04-15 01:19:02小编



How to pronounce: [bàn lǐ shǒu xù]



Example sentences:

1. 我们需要前往当地移民局办理签证的相关手续。

We need to go to the local immigration office to handle the procedures for our visa.

2. 请您提前准备好所有必要的文件,以便顺利办理贷款手续。

Please prepare all necessary documents in advance for a smooth process of handling the loan procedures.

3. 为了获得营业执照,我们必须先完成公司注册的所有手续。

In order to obtain a business license, we must first complete all the procedures for company registration.

4. 你可以在网上办理车辆年检的相关手续。

You can handle the procedures for vehicle inspection online.

5. 我们需要按照公司的规定办理离职手续。

We need to follow the company's regulations to handle the procedures for leaving the job.

Synonyms and usage:

1. 办理手续 can also be translated as "process procedures" or "handle formalities".

2. 办理手续 is often used in official or formal contexts, while in daily conversations, people may use simpler terms like "办事" (handle matters) or "办手续" (handle procedures).

3. Similar phrases include "办理事务" (handle affairs), "办理业务" (handle business), and "办理证件" (handle documents).

Editor's summary:

