
英语听力2024-04-15 03:37:01小编



英文解释:Ten fingers in unison, meaning that all ten fingers have the same feeling, or can be understood as being connected and in tune with each other. This phrase is often used to describe close relationships or harmonious cooperation.

二:怎么读(音标):shí zhǐ lián xīn (shí: [shí], zhǐ: [zhǐ], lián: [lián], xīn: [xīn])



1. 他们俩之间就像是十指连心,总能够轻易地理解对方的想法。(They are like ten fingers in unison, always able to understand each other's thoughts easily.)

2. 这支乐队的成员之间十指连心,所以他们的演出总是那么精彩。(The members of this band are in perfect harmony with each other, which is why their performances are always so amazing.)

3. 我和我的姐姐之间就像是十指连心,我们总是可以感受到对方的情绪。(My sister and I are like ten fingers in unison, we can always sense each other's emotions.)

4. 这个团队之间的默契配合就像是十指连心,他们总能够在最短的时间内完成任务。(The team's cooperation is like ten fingers in unison, they can always complete tasks in the shortest amount of time.)

5. 他们之间没有十指连心,所以无法达成共识,导致了很多分歧。(There is no perfect harmony between them, so they cannot reach a consensus and it has led to many disagreements.)


1. 心有灵犀:指两人之间心灵相通,能够理解对方的想法和感受。

2. 心心相印:指两人之间有着相同的想法和感受。

3. 气味相投:指两人之间有着相似的兴趣和想法,容易产生共鸣。

4. 齐心协力:指团队成员之间精诚合作,共同完成任务。

5. 和谐融洽:指关系良好,没有矛盾或者。


