
英语听力2024-04-15 04:02:59小编




Half the country refers to a part of a country or region's territory. In Chinese, this term is often used to describe a situation where most of a country or region's territory is under control or rule, while only a small part remains under the control of other forces.


bàn bì jiāng shān (bahn bee jee-ahng shahn)



"Half the country" can be used as a noun phrase or an adjective phrase. As a noun phrase, it is usually placed in the subject position of a sentence to indicate the extent to which a country or region is under control or rule. As an adjective phrase, it is usually placed before a noun to modify it, indicating that a country or region is referred to as "half the country."


1. 他的野心是要整个半壁江山。

His ambition is to rule over half the country.

2. 这个已经失去了半壁江山,只剩下一小部分还在他们的下。

The country has lost half its territory and only a small part remains under their control.

3. 据说这座城市曾经是半壁江山的中心,现在已经变得一片废墟。

It is said that this city used to be the center of half the country, but now it has become a ruin.

4. 他被称为这个的半壁江山之主,因为他着大部分。

He is known as the ruler of half the country, as he controls most of its territory.

5. 这个的者正在努力夺回失去的半壁江山。

The rulers of this country are working hard to regain the lost half of their territory.


1. 半壁河山:与“半壁江山”意思相同,但多用于文学作品中。

2. 半壁门户:指一个或地区的一部分重要门户或关口。

3. 半壁旗帜:指一个或地区的一部分旗帜或标志。

4. 半壁街市:指一个或地区的一部分繁华街市。

1. Half the country: has the same meaning as "half the country", but is more commonly used in literary works.

2. Half the gate: refers to an important gate or passageway of a country or region.

3. Half the flag: refers to a part of a country or region's flag or symbol.

4. Half the street market: refers to a part of a country or region's bustling street markets.


