
英语听力2024-04-15 04:29:03小编



卑宫菲食是指低质量的、不健康的或者粗俗的食物。它来自于英文“junk food”,通常指那些高热量、高盐分、高脂肪和低营养价值的食物,如薯条、汉堡包、炸鸡等。这种食物通常被认为对健康有害,而且不符合营养学上对均衡饮食的要求。

Junk food, also known as 卑宫菲食 in Chinese, refers to low-quality, unhealthy or vulgar food. It comes from the English term "junk food" and usually refers to high-calorie, high-salt, high-fat and low-nutrient foods such as french fries, hamburgers, fried chicken, etc. This type of food is often considered harmful to health and does not meet the requirements of a balanced diet in nutrition.


卑宫菲食 [bēi gōng fēi shí]



Junk food can be used as a noun to refer to unhealthy, vulgar or low-quality food. In daily life, we can use this term to remind ourselves to choose healthy eating habits and stay away from junk food.


1. 我们应该尽量避免吃卑宫菲食,它们对我们的身体健康没有任何好处。

We should try to avoid eating junk food as much as possible, it has no benefits for our physical health.

2. 卑宫菲食可能会导致肥胖、心脏病和其他健康问题。

Junk food may lead to obesity, heart disease and other health problems.

3. 孩子们经常喜欢吃卑宫菲食,这会影响他们的成长发育。

Children often like to eat junk food, which can affect their growth and development.

4. 为了保持健康,我们应该尽量少吃卑宫菲食,多选择新鲜的水果和蔬菜。

To stay healthy, we should try to eat less junk food and choose fresh fruits and vegetables instead.

5. 老年人也应该注意不要过量摄入卑宫菲食,以免影响身体健康。

Elderly people should also pay attention not to consume too much junk food in order to avoid affecting their physical health.


1. 垃圾食品(lā jī shí pǐn):与卑宫菲食意思相同,也是指不健康的、粗俗的或者低质量的食物。

2. 快餐(kuài cān):指那些快速制作、价格便宜且营养价值较低的食物,如汉堡包、炸鸡等。

3. 高热量食品(gāo rè liàng shí pǐn):与卑宫菲食意思相似,也是指高热量、高盐分、高脂肪和低营养价值的食物。

4. 不健康食品(bù jiàn kāng shí pǐn):与卑宫菲食意思相近,也是指对健康有害的食品。

5. 无营养价值食品(wú yíng yǎng jià zhí shí pǐn):与卑宫菲食意思类似,也是指营养价值较低或没有营养价值的食物。

1. Junk food: has the same meaning as 卑宫菲食, also refers to unhealthy, vulgar or low-quality food.

2. Fast food: refers to fast-made, cheap and low-nutrient food, such as hamburgers, fried chicken, etc.

3. High-calorie food: similar to the meaning of 卑宫菲食, also refers to high-calorie, high-salt, high-fat and low-nutrient foods.

4. Unhealthy food: similar to the meaning of 卑宫菲食, also refers to food that is harmful to health.

5. Nutrient-free food: similar to the meaning of 卑宫菲食, also refers to foods with low or no nutritional value.


