
英语听力2024-04-15 04:31:01小编




Meaning of "卑鄙无耻" (Chinese-English):

"卑鄙无耻" means lacking morality and conscience, disregarding others' feelings, and doing despicable and shameful things for one's own selfish interests. This behavior often involves deception, fraud, hypocrisy, and other negative emotions, which seriously harm social morality and personal reputation. In the standard of social morality, "卑鄙无耻" is an extremely derogatory term.


"卑鄙无耻"的拼音为bēi bǐ wú chǐ,其中bēi读作/bēi/,bǐ读作/bǐ/,wú读作/wú/,chǐ读作/chǐ/。


The pinyin of "卑鄙无耻" is bēi bǐ wú chǐ. Among them, bēi is pronounced as /bēi/, bǐ is pronounced as /bǐ/, wú is pronounced as /wú/, and chǐ is pronounced as /chǐ/.




"卑鄙无耻" is usually used as an adjective to describe the character of a person or behavior. It can be used to describe a person's actions or attitude, and it can also refer to something.


1. 这个政客竟然为了自己的私利而欺骗选民,真是太卑鄙无耻了!

This politician deceived the voters for his own selfish interests. How despicable and shameless!

2. 他们为了谋取利益,不惜采取卑鄙无耻的手段。

They resorted to despicable and shameless means in order to gain benefits.

3. 那个公司老板一再欺骗消费者,简直是太卑鄙无耻了。

The owner of that company repeatedly deceived consumers, which is simply despicable and shameless.

4. 他的言行充满了虚伪和卑鄙无耻,没有一点道德底线。

His words and deeds are full of hypocrisy and despicableness, without any moral bottom line.

5. 她的卑鄙无耻行为最终导致她失去了所有朋友。

Her despicable and shameless behavior eventually led to her losing all her friends.


1. 卑劣:指人或行为品质恶劣,不值得尊重。

2. 骗子:指以欺骗手段获取利益的人。

3. 虚伪:指言行不一致,不真诚。

4. 不道德:指违背社会道德标准的行为。

5. 可耻:指令人感到羞耻和厌恶的事情。

Synonyms and usage:

1. 卑劣 (bēi liè): refers to a person or behavior with poor quality, not worthy of respect.

2. 骗子 (piàn zi): refers to a person who obtains benefits through deception.

3. 虚伪 (xū wěi): refers to inconsistency between words and deeds, not sincere.

4. 不道德 (bù dào dé): refers to behaviors that violate social moral standards.

5. 可耻 (kě chǐ): refers to things that make people feel ashamed and disgusted.


