
英语听力2024-04-15 05:34:01小编


博奕(bó yì)是指以、游戏等形式进行的激烈竞争或冒险活动,也可以指或游戏本身。在古代,博奕一般指活动,如骰子、棋牌等。现代社会中,博奕也可以泛指各种形式的竞技比赛。

How to pronounce: bó yì


1. 博奕作为一种娱乐活动,已经成为人们生活中不可或缺的一部分。

Gambling, as a form of entertainment, has become an indispensable part of people's lives.

2. 他们每周末都会聚集在一起进行各种博奕游戏。

They gather together every weekend to play various gambling games.

3. 这场比赛是一场真正的博奕,参赛者都非常激动。

This competition is a real gamble, and the participants are all very excited.

4. 即使在商业领域,也充满了各种形式的博奕。

Even in the business world, it is full of various forms of competition.

5. 她喜欢冒险和挑战自己,在她眼里生活就是一场永远不停的博奕。

She enjoys taking risks and challenging herself, in her eyes life is a never-ending gamble.

Synonyms and usage:

1. (dǔ bó)- refers specifically to gambling activities, often with negative connotations.

2. 竞猜(jìng cāi)- refers to guessing or predicting the outcome of a competition, such as sports games.

3. 比赛(bǐ sài)- refers to a competition or match between two or more parties.

4. 冒险(mào xiǎn)- refers to taking risks or engaging in daring activities.

5. 竞争(jìng zhēng)- refers to competition or rivalry between individuals or groups.

Editor's summary:

