The meaning of the Chinese Center for Evidence-Based Medicine, under the leadership and management of the Chinese Ministry of Health, is to promote and apply evidence-based medicine principles and methods, and to improve the quality of medical care domestically.
二:怎么读(音标):wèi shēng bù zhōng guó xún zhèng yī xué zhōng xīn
Three: 用法:卫生部循证医学中心通常作为一个名词使用,可以作为一个组织的名称,也可以用来指代该所从事的工作内容。
Usage: The Chinese Center for Evidence-Based Medicine is typically used as a noun, which can refer to an organizational name or the work carried out by this organization.
1. 卫生部循证医学中心致力于提高我国医疗服务的质量与效率。
The Chinese Center for Evidence-Based Medicine is committed to improving the quality and efficiency of medical services in our country.
2. 卫生部循证医学中心的成立标志着我国在循证医学领域迈出了重要一步。
The establishment of the Chinese Center for Evidence-Based Medicine marks an important step for our country in the field of evidence-based medicine.
3. 卫生部循证医学中心的研究成果已经被国际同行广泛认可。
The research results of the Chinese Center for Evidence-Based Medicine have been widely recognized by international peers.
4. 卫生部循证医学中心将继续推动循证医学在我国的发展,为患者提供更优质的医疗服务。
The Chinese Center for Evidence-Based Medicine will continue to promote the development of evidence-based medicine in our country, providing better medical services for patients.
5. 卫生部循证医学中心的工作得到了卫生部领导的高度重视和支持。
The work of the Chinese Center for Evidence-Based Medicine has received high attention and support from the leadership of the Ministry of Health.
1. 循证医学(evidence-based medicine):指基于最新科学研究和临床实践经验,结合患者个体差异和偏好,制定最佳治疗方案的一种方法。
2. 循证医疗(evidence-based healthcare):指基于最新科学研究和临床实践经验,结合患者个体差异和偏好,提供最佳治疗方案的一种方式。
3. 循证实践(evidence-based practice):指医疗工作者结合最新的科学研究和临床经验,为患者提供最佳的治疗方案。
4. 循证决策(evidence-based decision making):指基于最新科学研究和临床实践经验,为医疗管理者或制定者提供决策依据的一种方法。