
英语听力2024-04-15 07:21:59小编



原理 (principle) refers to the fundamental rules, basic mechanism or theoretical foundation that governs the occurrence, operation or existence of things. It is the basis for explaining phenomena and also serves as guiding principles for practical activities.


原理:yuán lǐ



"原理" is commonly used as a noun to indicate the fundamental rules, basic mechanism or theoretical foundation of things. It can also refer to the basic principles of a certain method, means or ideology.


1. 这个实验的成功是建立在牢固的科学原理之上的。

The success of this experiment is based on solid scientific principles.

2. 理解这个概念需要掌握一定的数学和物理原理。

Understanding this concept requires a grasp of certain mathematical and physical principles.

3. 他们公司的经营模式以诚信为核心原理。

Integrity is the core principle of their company's business model.

4. 这部电影展现了人性中最深刻的原理。

This film showcases the most profound principles of human nature.

5. 我们应该遵循自然界的原理,而不是违背它。

We should follow the principles of nature instead of going against them.


1. 原则 (principle):与“原理”含义相近,但更强调基本的道德准则或行为规范。可用来表示一种信念或行为准则。

2. 规律 (law):指客观事物存在的必然性和普遍性。与“原理”相比,更加强调科学性和客观性。

3. 理论 (theory):指通过研究和实践得出的化、抽象化的知识体系。与“原理”相比,更加偏重于学术性和推导性。

1. Principle: Similar to "原理", but emphasizes more on basic moral codes or behavioral norms. It can be used to indicate a belief or code of conduct.

2. Law: Refers to the inevitability and universality of objective things. Compared to "原理", it emphasizes more on scientific and objective aspects.

3. Theory: Refers to a systematic and abstract knowledge system derived through research and practice. Compared to "原理", it focuses more on academic and deductive aspects.


