
英语听力2024-04-15 08:10:05小编




Friendship link service and price refer to the adding of links to other websites on a webpage, in order to increase interaction and traffic between websites. This service usually requires payment, so the price refers to the cost of obtaining friendship link service. Friendship link service and price are usually provided by website administrators or online marketers.


友情链接:/ˈfrendʃɪp lɪŋk/



Friendship link: /ˈfrendʃɪp lɪŋk/

Service: /ˈsɜːvɪs/

Price: /ˈpraɪs/



Friendship link service can be used to increase interaction and traffic between websites by adding links to other websites on a webpage. Usually, website administrators or online marketers provide this service and charge a certain fee. Users can choose suitable friendship link service according to their own needs and pay the corresponding fee as agreed.


1. Our website offers friendship link services to help increase your website's traffic.


2. The price for our friendship link service is very reasonable.


3. If you want to improve your website's SEO, you should consider using our friendship link service.


4. Our friendship link service has been proven to be effective in increasing website visibility.


5. Many websites have seen a significant increase in traffic after using our friendship link service.



1. 友链(yǒu liàn):友链是友情链接服务的简称,在网络上也经常被使用。:“这个网站有很多高质量的友链。”

2. 链接交换(liàn jiē jiāo huàn):指两个或多个网站之间相互添加对方的链接。与友情链接类似,但通常不涉及付费。:“我们可以通过链接交换来增加网站的流量。”

3. 网络营销(wǎng luò yíng xiāo):指在网络上推广和销售产品或服务的活动。友情链接服务可以被视为一种网络营销手段。:“我们的网络营销策略包括使用友情链接来提高网站的知名度。”

4. 流量(liú liàng):指访问网站的人数或数据传输量。友情链接服务可以帮助增加网站的流量。:“我们需要提高网站流量,所以决定使用友情链接服务。”

5. 收费(shōu fèi):指为某种服务或产品支付费用。友情链接服务通常需要付费。:“这家公司提供的友情链接服务收费很高。”

1. Friendship link (yǒu liàn): Friendship link is the abbreviation for friendship link service and is also commonly used on the Internet. For example: "This website has many high-quality friendship links."

2. Link exchange (liàn jiē jiāo huàn): Refers to the mutual addition of links between two or more websites. It is similar to friendship link service, but usually does not involve payment. For example: "We can increase website traffic through link exchange."

3. Online marketing (wǎng luò yíng xiāo): Refers to the activities of promoting and selling products or services on the Internet. Friendship link service can be seen as a means of online marketing. For example: "Our online marketing strategy includes using friendship links to increase website visibility."

4. Traffic (liú liàng): Refers to the number of people visiting a website or the amount of data transmitted. Friendship link service can help increase website traffic. For example: "We need to increase website traffic, so we decided to use friendship link service."

5. Fee (shōu fèi): Refers to the payment for a service or product. Friendship link service usually requires payment. For example: "This company's friendship link service is expensive."


