
英语听力2024-04-15 08:21:09小编




A dual degree refers to a student obtaining two different degrees in university. This type of degree usually requires students to complete all course requirements for two majors and pass the thesis or comprehensive exams for both majors. Dual degrees are a form of diversified education that aims to cultivate individuals with diverse knowledge and skills, making them more competitive.


/djuːl dɪˈɡriː/



Dual degrees are usually offered at the undergraduate level, but some graduate schools also offer dual master's or dual doctoral degrees. When applying, students need to apply for two majors at the same time and meet the admission requirements for each major. Upon completion of all courses and thesis, students will be awarded two bachelor's degrees in different fields.


1. 我在大学期间选择了双学位,一边学习经济学,一边学习计算机科学。

I chose a dual degree during my university years, studying both economics and computer science.

2. 这所大学提供了很多双学位的选项,让学生可以更加自由地选择自己感兴趣的领域。

This university offers a variety of dual degree options, allowing students to freely choose their interested fields.

3. 双学位的课程安排紧凑,需要更高的时间管理能力。

The curriculum for dual degrees is intensive and requires higher time management skills.

4. 获得双学位可以让我在求职市场上拥有更多的竞争优势。

Obtaining a dual degree can give me a competitive edge in the job market.

5. 哈佛大学是美国最早提供双学位项目的院校之一。

Harvard University is one of the earliest universities in the United States to offer dual degree programs.


双专业(dual major)和双文凭(double diploma)也可以用来表示获得两个不同专业的学位。但是与双专业相比,双学位强调的是获得两个不同领域的学位,而不是仅仅完成两个专业的课程要求。双文凭则更多指的是在国际教育领域中,学生在毕业时获得两个不同的文凭。

Dual major and double diploma can also be used to refer to obtaining two degrees in different majors. However, compared to dual major, dual degree emphasizes obtaining two degrees in different fields rather than just completing course requirements for two majors. Double diploma is more commonly used in the field of international education, where students obtain diplomas from two different countries upon graduation.


