
英语听力2024-04-15 09:58:01小编



How to read: bèi shùn

Usage: 倍顺 is used as a proper noun, referring to the name of the two convenience stores.

Example sentences:

1. 我今天去了新开张的倍顺超市,里面的商品种类很丰富,价格也很实惠。

I went to the newly opened Bei Shun supermarket today and found that there is a wide variety of products with affordable prices.

2. 倍顺超市每天都会为顾客提供新鲜水果和蔬菜,让我们能够吃到健康又美味的食物。

Bei Shun supermarket provides fresh fruits and vegetables for customers every day, allowing us to eat healthy and delicious food.

3. 我们家附近就有一家倍顺便民超市,每次购物都很方便快捷。

There is a Bei Shun convenience store near our house, shopping there is always convenient and efficient.

4. 今天我在倍顺超市买了一件衣服,收银员非常友好,让我感觉很舒心。

I bought a piece of clothing at Bei Shun supermarket today, the cashier was very friendly and made me feel comfortable.

5. 倍顺超市的服务态度非常好,每次去购物都能感受到他们的用心和热情。

The service attitude of Bei Shun supermarket is excellent, I can always feel their dedication and enthusiasm when shopping there.

Synonyms and usage:

1. 便民超市 (biàn mín chāo shì) - convenience store

2. 连锁超市 (lián suǒ chāo shì) - chain supermarket

3. 超市 (chāo shì) - supermarket

4. 便利店 (biàn lì diàn) - convenience store

5. 顾客满意度 (gù kè mǎn yì dù) - customer satisfaction

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