What does “口角春风” mean?
“口角春风” refers to a mild argument or disagreement between two people, but they still maintain a friendly attitude and it does not seriously affect their relationship. This phrase is often used to describe how an argument between two people can actually bring them closer and deepen their understanding of each other.
kǒu jiǎo chūn fēng
1. 他们俩经常会有些小矛盾,但总是能够通过口角春风来解决问题。
They often have some small conflicts, but they always resolve them through “口角春风”.
2. 他们之间的关系变得更加亲密了,似乎每次口角春风之后,他们都能更好地理解彼此。
Their relationship has become closer, it seems that every time they have a “口角春风”, they can understand each other better.
3. 尽管他们经常发生口角春风,但他们的友谊却从未受到影响。
Despite their frequent “口角春风”, their friendship has never been affected.
4. 她和她的姐姐之间经常会有些小争吵,但这些口角春风并没有影响她们之间的姐妹情谊。
She and her sister often have some small arguments, but these “口角春风” do not affect their sisterly bond.
5. 双方在上发生了一些争执,但最终通过一场轻松的“口角春风”达成了共识。
There were some disagreements between the two sides at the meeting, but they eventually reached a consensus through a light “口角春风”.
1. 口头(verbal conflict):指两人之间发生的言语上的争吵或不愉快,通常有激烈的语言交锋。
2. 争吵(argument):指双方在某个问题上的意见不一致,可能会导致口角或。
3. 口水战(war of words):指双方通过言语争论来解决问题,通常用来形容激烈的辩论或争吵。
4. 周旋(tactful negotiation):指双方通过巧妙的交涉来解决问题,通常用来形容双方都有一定智慧和技巧,避免发生口角或。