
英语听力2024-04-15 13:04:45小编



How to pronounce: [gè huái xīn shì]

Usage: 这个短语通常用来形容一群人中每个人都有自己的难处或困惑,也可以用来描述一个人内心深处的想法。

Example Sentences:

1. 在这个团队里,每个人都各怀心事,没有人愿意分享自己的想法。

In this team, everyone has their own thoughts and no one is willing to share.

2. 她总是一个人独自思考,似乎各怀心事。

She always thinks alone, as if she has something on her mind.

3. 虽然他们看起来很和谐,但其实每个人都在各怀心事。

Although they seem harmonious, everyone actually has their own concerns.

4. 他们之间存在着许多隔阂,每个人都各怀心事。

There are many barriers between them, and each of them has their own concerns.

5. 在这种情况下,我们必须要坦诚相待,而不是各怀心事。

In this situation, we must be open and honest with each other instead of keeping secrets.

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 各自心事 (gè zì xīn shì): each person's own thoughts or concerns

2. 秘密 (mì mì): secret; something that is kept hidden from others

3. 难处 (nán chù): difficulty; problem

4. 困惑 (kùn huò): confusion; perplexity

5. 内心深处的想法 (nèi xīn shēn chù de xiǎng fǎ): innermost thoughts

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