
英语听力2024-04-15 13:52:02小编



吉洪诺夫乘积定理,又称为乘积公式,是数学中常用的一种方法,用来计算多项式的值。它可以将一个多项式分解成若干个一次项的乘积,并且可以根据多项式的系数和指数来确定这些一次项的值。这个定理由俄罗斯数学家亚历山大·伊万诺维奇·吉洪诺夫(Alexander Ivanovich Khinchin)在20世纪提出。

The Khinchin product theorem, also known as the product formula, is a commonly used method in mathematics for calculating the value of polynomials. It can decompose a polynomial into a product of linear terms and determine the values of these linear terms based on the coefficients and exponents of the polynomial. This theorem was proposed by Russian mathematician Alexander Ivanovich Khinchin in the 20th century.


吉洪诺夫乘积定理:[jí hóng nuò fú chéng jī dìng lǐ]



The Khinchin product theorem is mainly used to calculate the value of polynomials and can simplify complex calculations. It has wide applications in algebra, calculus, and other mathematical fields, as well as in various fields such as physics and engineering.


1. 根据吉洪诺夫乘积定理,我们可以轻松地计算出多项式的值。

According to the Khinchin product theorem, we can easily calculate the value of a polynomial.

2. 吉洪诺夫乘积定理在数学领域有着重要的地位。

The Khinchin product theorem holds an important position in the field of mathematics.

3. 这个多项式可以通过吉洪诺夫乘积定理分解为若干个一次项的乘积。

This polynomial can be decomposed into a product of linear terms using the Khinchin product theorem.

4. 吉洪诺夫乘积定理也被称为乘积公式,是一种常用的计算方法。

The Khinchin product theorem is also known as the product formula and is a commonly used calculation method.

5. 吉洪诺夫乘积定理在物理学中也有着重要的应用,可以帮助我们解决复杂的物理问题。

The Khinchin product theorem also has important applications in physics and can help us solve complex physical problems.


乘积公式(product formula)是吉洪诺夫乘积定理的另一种称呼,它们在数学上有着相同的含义。此外,还有一些类似的定理如牛顿-莱布尼茨公式(Newton-Leibniz formula)和拉格朗日定理(Lagrange's theorem),它们也都是用来计算多项式的值。

The product formula is another name for the Khinchin product theorem, and they have the same meaning in mathematics. In addition, there are similar theorems such as the Newton-Leibniz formula and Lagrange's theorem, which are also used to calculate the value of polynomials.


