
英语听力2024-04-15 15:18:42小编



英文释义:Gentleman's word, swift horsewhip means that a gentleman should speak cautiously and act quickly, meaning that one should consider things thoroughly and also make good use of time. This phrase can also be interpreted as "speak with integrity, act decisively".

二:怎么读(音标):[jūn zǐ yī yán, kuài mǎ yī biān]



1. 君子一言,快马一鞭,他总是能够准确地把握时机。

A gentleman's word is like a swift horsewhip, he always knows how to seize the opportunity accurately.

2. 做事情要谨慎,但也不能拖延时间,君子一言,快马一鞭。

We should be cautious in our actions, but we cannot delay time either. A gentleman's word is like a swift horsewhip.

3. 在商业领域中,君子一言就像是快马一鞭,能够赢得他人的信任和尊重。

In the business world, a gentleman's word is like a swift horsewhip, which can win the trust and respect of others.

4. 他一向言出必行,真是君子一言,快马一鞭。

He always keeps his promises, truly a gentleman's word is like a swift horsewhip.

5. 老师经常告诫我们要做事情要谨慎,同时也要抓紧时间,君子一言,快马一鞭。

Our teacher often reminds us to be cautious in our actions and also make good use of time, as a gentleman's word is like a swift horsewhip.


1. 君子慎言,快马厉鞭:意思相同,都是形容一个人做事谨慎迅速。

2. 言行如一:指言语和行动保持一致。

3. 言而有信:指说话有诚信,会兑现承诺。

4. 行动迅速:形容做事情快速、果断。


