
英语听力2024-04-15 16:33:05小编



What does "告饶" mean (Chinese-English) Explanation

The meaning of "告饶" is to beg or plead with someone to s punishing or hurting oneself, indicating that one has admitted their mistake and is willing to accept punishment or correct their mistake. It can also be used to ask someone to let them go and not pursue past events.


告饶:gào ráo

Usage 用法


"告饶" is usually used to apologize and ask for forgiveness or leniency from the other person. In conflicts such as arguments or fights, it can also be used to express a desire for reconciliation. Additionally, it can be used in a joking manner to ask someone not to do something that makes oneself uncomfortable.


1. 告饶吧,我知道我错了。(Please forgive me, I know I was wrong.)

2. 他向老师告饶,说再也不敢迟到了。(He begged the teacher for forgiveness and promised to never be late again.)

3. 两个人打架后,其中一个喊着求告饶。(After the fight, one of them yelled for mercy.)

4. 我已经道歉了,你就别再追究了,算我求告饶吧。(I've already apologized, please don't pursue it anymore, just let me off the hook.)

5. 别再逗我了,我求告饶!(S teasing me, I beg you!)


1. 求饶 (qiú ráo):与"告饶"意思相同,也可以用来表示请求宽恕或放过自己。

2. 求和 (qiú hé):在中表达愿意和解的意思。

3. 打哈哈 (dǎ hā ha):开玩笑地请求对方不要再做某件让自己不舒服的事情。

Synonyms and usage

1. 求饶 (qiú ráo): has the same meaning as "告饶", can also be used to ask for forgiveness or leniency.

2. 求和 (qiú hé): expresses a willingness to reconcile in a conflict.

3. 打哈哈 (dǎ hā ha): jokingly asking someone not to do something that makes oneself uncomfortable.


