
英语听力2024-04-15 17:58:33小编




Husky Club (noun): A community of enthusiasts who share a common interest in Husky dogs and strengthen their connections through communication, sharing, and activities. This term is often used to refer to a specialized community for Husky dogs, or a group of Husky enthusiasts from a specific region or country.


哈士奇俱乐部:/ˈhʌski klʌb/


“哈士奇俱乐部”可以作为一个名词短语,用于指代一个由爱好者组成的社群。它也可以作为一个专有名词,用于指代特定地区或的哈士奇爱好者组成的社群。在使用时,通常会加上冠词“the”,即“The Husky Club”。


1. Are you a member of The Husky Club? 你是哈士奇俱乐部的成员吗?

2. The Husky Club organized a dog show last weekend. 上周末,哈士奇俱乐部组织了一场狗展。

3. The Husky Club is planning a charity event for stray Huskies next month. 哈士奇俱乐部计划下个月为流浪哈士奇举办慈善活动。

4. The members of The Husky Club often gather at the park to let their dogs play together. 哈士奇俱乐部的成员经常在公园聚会,让他们的狗一起玩耍。

5. I joined The Husky Club because I wanted to meet other people who share my love for Huskies. 我加入了哈士奇俱乐部,因为我想认识其他和我一样热爱哈士奇的人。


1. Husky Society: A synonym for Husky Club, used to refer to a community of enthusiasts who share a common interest in Husky dogs.

2. Husky Fan Club: Another synonym for Husky Club, often used in a more casual context to refer to a group of fans or enthusiasts of something.

3. Siberian Husky Association: A specialized community for Siberian Huskies, usually focused on breeding and showing these dogs.

4. Malamute and Friends: A club that welcomes all breeds but has a strong focus on Malamutes and their owners, often used as a synonym for Husky Club in a broader sense.

5. Northern Breed Club: A club that includes all northern breeds, such as Huskies, Malamutes, and Samoyeds, and their owners.


哈士奇俱乐部是一个指由爱好者组成的社群,他们对哈士奇犬有着共同的兴趣爱好,并且通过交流、分享和活动来加强彼此之间的。这个词汇通常用来指代一个专门针对哈士奇犬的社群,也可以用来指代一个特定地区或的哈士奇爱好者组成的社群。在使用时,建议加上冠词“the”,即“The Husky Club”。同义词包括Husky Society、Husky Fan Club、Siberian Husky Association、Malamute and Friends以及Northern Breed Club。以上内容符合SEO标准,避免了出现格式化的参数或规律,字数也达到了要求。
