
英语听力2024-04-15 19:44:55小编



How to pronounce: [shāng jiǎn jú]

Usage: 商检局通常由海关、质检部门和其他相关部门共同组成,其工作范围涵盖进出口商品的申报、查验、检验、鉴定等环节。

Example Sentences:

1. 这批货物需要经过商检局的审批才能顺利出口。

This batch of goods needs to be approved by the customs inspection bureau before it can be exported smoothly.

2. 商检局将加强对进口食品的抽检工作,以保障消费者的健康安全。

The customs inspection bureau will strengthen the sampling inspection of imported food to ensure consumer health and safety.

3. 该公司因违反商检局规定被罚款100万元。

The company was fined 1 million yuan for violating the regulations of the customs inspection bureau.

4. 根据商检局最新发布的数据,今年上半年我国进出口总额同比增长10%。

According to the latest data released by the customs inspection bureau, China's total import and export volume increased by 10% year-on-year in the first half of this year.

5. 商检局将严厉打击偷逃关税、和其他行为。

The customs inspection bureau will crack down on tax evasion, smuggling, and other illegal activities.

Synonyms and Usage: 海关(customs)、质检部门(quality inspection department)、出入境检验检疫局(entry-exit inspection and quarantine bureau)等。

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