
英语听力2024-04-15 21:26:55小编




Choke, verb, refers to the phenomenon of breathing difficulty caused by food or liquid getting stuck in the trachea or esophagus while swallowing. It can also refer to the sudden increase in pressure in the trachea due to a sudden s of breathing, causing chest pain and discomfort.


yē (yē)


1. 噎作动词使用时,通常接受事物作为宾语,表示在吞咽过程中发生了卡住的情况。

2. 噎也可以作为名词使用,表示这种呼吸困难的现象。

3. 在医学上,噎也可以用来指窒息或窒息状态。

1. When used as a verb, "噎" usually takes an object and indicates that something has gotten stuck during the process of swallowing.

2. "噎" can also be used as a noun, referring to the phenomenon of breathing difficulty.

3. In medicine, "噎" can also refer to suffocation or a state of asphyxia.


1. 她吃得太快,结果噎住了。

She ate too fast and ended up choking.

2. 他被一块肉卡在喉咙里,差点就被噎死了。

He had a piece of meat stuck in his throat and almost choked to death.

3. 这种药物可能会导致窒息,所以请小心使用。

This medication may cause choking, so use it with caution.

4. 当我听到她说的那个笑话时,我差点被噎死了。

I almost choked when I heard the joke she told.

5. 他突然停止呼吸,感到胸部疼痛和不适。

He suddenly sped breathing and felt chest pain and discomfort.


1. 窒息(zhì xī):指气管或支气管内的空气流通受阻而导致呼吸困难的现象。可以用来代替“噎”来描述食物或液体卡在气管或食管内的情况。

Asphyxia: Refers to the phenomenon of breathing difficulty caused by obstruction of air flow in the trachea or bronchus. It can be used instead of "噎" to describe food or liquid getting stuck in the trachea or esophagus.

2. 窒息(zhì xí):指突然停止呼吸而导致气管内压力增加,引起胸部疼痛和不适的现象。可以用来代替“噎”来描述突然停止呼吸的情况。

Asphyxiation: Refers to the sudden increase in pressure in the trachea due to a sudden s of breathing, causing chest pain and discomfort. It can be used instead of "噎" to describe the sudden s of breathing.


