
英语听力2024-04-15 21:50:10小编



What does "四外的" mean?

"四外的" means outside of a certain place or leaving a specific location. This word is often used to describe a person or object leaving a particular position or range.


sì wài de (sì wài de)




"四外的" is commonly used as an adjective or adverb. As an adjective, it can describe a person or object leaving a particular location, such as: "They moved the boxes to an outside warehouse." As an adverb, it can indicate being outside of a certain place, for example: "She walked out of the room and looked outside."


1. 他们决定在城市生活太拥挤后,搬到了四外的乡村。(After deciding that city life was too crowded, they moved to the countryside.)

2. 她从窗户往下看,四外的景色十分美丽。(She looked out the window and saw the beautiful scenery outside.)

3. 孩子们喜欢在四外玩耍,享受自然的美妙。(Children love playing outside and enjoying the wonders of nature.)

4. 他们决定把公司总部从城市搬到四外的山区,以获得更多的空间和清新的空气。(They decided to move their company headquarters from the city to a mountainous area outside, in order to have more space and fresh air.)

5. 雨停了,他们决定出门散步,欣赏四外的风景。(The rain sped, so they decided to take a walk and admire the scenery outside.)


1. 外部 (wài bù): 与"四外的"意思相似,都表示在某个地方之外。但是"外部"更常用于描述一个整体或之外。

2. 外面 (wài miàn): 也可以表示在某个地方之外,但通常指离开室内到室外。

3. 外头 (wài tóu): 同样可以表示在某个地方之外,但通常指离开室内到室外。

4. 外界 (wài jiè): 指与某个特定地方或不相关的其他地方或。

5. 外地 (wài dì): 指与本地不同的其他地区或城市。

Synonyms and Usage

1. 外部 (wài bù): Similar to "四外的," both mean outside of a certain place. However, "外部" is more commonly used to describe the outside of a whole or system.

2. 外面 (wài miàn): Also means outside of a certain place, but usually refers to leaving indoors for outdoors.

3. 外头 (wài tóu): Can also mean outside of a certain place, but usually refers to leaving indoors for outdoors.

4. 外界 (wài jiè): Refers to other places or systems that are not related to a specific location or system.

5. 外地 (wài dì): Refers to other regions or cities that are different from the local area.


