
英语听力2024-04-15 21:52:54小编




What does Sichuan earthquake mean (Chinese-English) explanation:

Sichuan earthquake refers to the natural phenomenon of crustal movement that occurs within the territory of Sichuan Province, China, causing surface and underground rocks to fracture, shift and vibrate. It is caused by the release of energy from the Earth's interior, usually accompanied by loud noises and strong shaking, causing serious losses to people.


四川地震:[sì chuān dì zhèn]

How to pronounce:

Sichuan earthquake: [sì chuān dì zhèn]




Sichuan earthquake can be used as a proper noun to describe crustal movements that occur within the territory of Sichuan Province. It can also be used as a common noun to refer to any crustal movements that occur within Sichuan Province.


1. 四川地震造成了巨大的破坏,数千人无家可归。

The Sichuan earthquake caused massive destruction, leaving thousands of people homeless.

2. 这次四川地震是近年来最强烈的一次,震中位于四川省雅安市。

This Sichuan earthquake is the strongest in recent years, with its epicenter located in Ya'an City, Sichuan Province.

3. 四川地震发生后,各方纷纷伸出援手,帮助灾区人民重建家园。

After the Sichuan earthquake, various parties extended a helping hand to assist the people in the disaster area to rebuild their homes.

4. 由于四川地震的影响,许多学校停课,以确保学生的安全。

Due to the impact of the Sichuan earthquake, many schools have suspended classes to ensure the safety of students.

5. 四川地震给当地经济造成了重大损失,需要和社会各界共同努力恢复生产和发展。

The Sichuan earthquake has caused significant economic losses to the local area, requiring joint efforts from the government and all sectors of society to restore production and development.


1. 震灾 (zhèn zāi):指发生在某地区的地震灾害,与四川地震的用法相似。

2. 地震灾害 (dì zhèn zāi hài):指由地震引起的灾害,包括人员伤亡、房屋倒塌、经济损失等。

3. 地震 (dì zhèn):泛指发生在地球表面的岩石运动,通常用于科学或专业场合。

Synonyms and usage:

1. Earthquake disaster (zhèn zāi): refers to the earthquake disaster that occurs in a certain area, similar to the usage of Sichuan earthquake.

2. Earthquake disaster (dì zhèn zāi hài): refers to the disasters caused by earthquakes, including casualties, collapsed buildings, economic losses, etc.

3. Earthquake (dì zhèn): generally refers to the rock movements that occur on the surface of the Earth, usually used in scientific or professional contexts.


