
英语听力2024-04-15 21:56:06小编


四战之国(The Four Warring States)是指历史上春秋时期末期到战国时期初期(公元前403年-公元前221年)的四个,分别是齐国、楚国、燕国和赵国。这四个在这段时间内不断发生战争,最终导致了历史上第一个统一的大一统王朝——秦朝的建立。


四战之国:[sì zhàn zhī guó]

齐国:[qí guó]

楚国:[chǔ guó]

燕国:[yān guó]

赵国:[zhào guó]




1. 在春秋末期,齐、楚、燕、赵这四战之国不断争霸,导致百姓生活艰难。

In the late Spring and Autumn Period, the four warring states of Qi, Chu, Yan and Zhao constantly fought for supremacy, leading to a difficult life for the people.

2. 在战国时期,四战之国的者们都采取了不同的策略来扩大自己的势力。

During the Warring States Period, the rulers of the four warring states all adopted different political strategies to expand their power.

3. 齐国、楚国、燕国和赵国都有着悠久的历史,它们曾经是四战之国中最强大的。

Qi, Chu, Yan and Zhao all have a long history and were once the most powerful countries among the four warring states.

4. 春秋末期,四战之国之间的不断升级,最终导致了战争频繁发生。

In the late Spring and Autumn Period, conflicts between the four warring states escalated and eventually led to frequent wars.

5. 这部小说以四战之国为背景,讲述了当时斗争和的故事。

This novel is set against the backdrop of the four warring states and tells stories of political struggles and military conflicts at that time.


1. 争霸之地(the land of contention):指代春秋末期到战国初期这段时间内,各个诸侯国争夺地盘、势力范围的情况。

2. 战乱年代(the turbulent era):指代春秋末期到战国初期这段时间内,各个诸侯国之间不断发生的战争和混乱。

3. 战国四雄(the Four Heroes of the Warring States):指代当时的齐、楚、燕、赵这四个最强大的。

4. 四分五裂(in disarray):形容局势混乱,各方势力分裂,无法统一。

5. 乱世(heroes in troubled times):指代在战乱年代中崛起的有能力和影响力的人物。


