
英语听力2024-04-15 22:04:07小编




Four hundred and four diseases refers to a general term for all kinds of diseases in the human body. It can also be used to describe a person who is not in good health or has multiple diseases. This term is commonly used in spoken language to accurately describe a person's health condition.


四百四病 [sì bǎi sì bìng]



"Four hundred and four diseases" is usually used as an adjective phrase, which can be used as the subject, attributive or predicate in a sentence. It can also be combined with verbs such as "have" or "suffer from" to indicate that someone has multiple diseases.


1. 他爷爷已经八十多岁了,但仍然很健康,没有四百四病。

His grandfather is over eighty years old, but he is still very healthy and does not have four hundred and four diseases.

2. 她平时非常注意健康,所以很少患上四百四病。

She pays great attention to her health, so she rarely suffers from four hundred and four diseases.

3. 这个的医疗水平很高,大部分人都能免受四百四病的困扰。

The medical level of this country is very high, and most people are able to avoid the trouble of four hundred and four diseases.

4. 他最近身体不太好,似乎患上了几种不同的疾病,真是四百四病缠身啊。

He hasn't been feeling well lately and seems to have several different illnesses. He's really plagued by four hundred and four diseases.

5. 我妈妈年纪大了,身体也开始出现一些问题,但还没有到达四百四病的程度。

My mother is getting older and her body has some problems, but it hasn't reached the level of having four hundred and four diseases yet.


1. 百毒不侵:形容一个人身体非常健康,没有受到任何疾病的侵扰。

2. 疾苦缠身:形容一个人患有多种不同的疾病。

3. 火烧眉毛:形容一个人的疾病非常严重,需要紧急治疗。

4. 病入膏肓:形容一个人的疾病已经到了无可救药的地步。

5. 疾苦交加:形容一个人同时患有多种不同的疾病。

1. Impervious to all diseases: Describes a person who is very healthy and has not suffered from any diseases.

2. Plagued by various illnesses: Describes a person who has multiple different diseases.

3. In dire need of help: Describes a person whose illness is very serious and requires urgent treatment.

4. Beyond cure: Describes a person whose illness has reached an incurable stage.

5. Suffering from multiple illnesses: Describes a person who has multiple different diseases at the same time.


