
英语听力2024-04-15 23:39:04小编




1. 坚定不移,不易改变:固执。固守。坚固。固有。

2. 稳定,不动摇:固定。固态。固定资产。

3. 长久,持久:固然。稳固。

4. 确实,确定:确固。

5. 用于表示肯定的语气:是的,的确。


1. 坚定地,牢牢地:固守。牢固。

2. 用于表示肯定的语气:的确。

How to read: gù


1. Used to describe something that is firm and unchanging: stubborn, persistent, steadfast, inherent.

2. Stable and unwavering: fixed, solid, fixed assets.

3. Long-lasting and enduring: certainly, stable.

4. Certain and definite: firm.

Example sentences:

1. 他是一个非常固执的人,从不轻易改变自己的想法。(He is a very stubborn person who never changes his mind easily.)

2. 这座城堡建筑坚固耐用,已经经历了数百年的风雨。(The castle is built solidly and has withstood hundreds of years of wind and rain.)

3. 虽然我们遇到了很多挑战,但我们仍然坚持下来了。(Despite facing many challenges, we persevered.)

4. 我们需要一些确固的证据来支持我们的观点。(We need some firm evidence to support our point of view.)

5. 固然,这个决定并不容易,但我们认为它是正确的。(Certainly, this decision was not easy, but we believe it is the right one.)

Synonyms and usage:

1. 固执 (gùzhí): stubborn, obstinate

2. 坚定 (jiāndìng): firm, resolute

3. 稳固 (wěngù): stable, secure

4. 确实 (quèrè): certain, definite

5. 的确 (díquè): indeed, certainly

Editor's summary:

固 is a Chinese adjective that means firm and unchanging, stable and unwavering, enduring and certain. It can also be used as an adverb to express certainty. It is often used in conjunction with other words to describe someone's personality or the stability of something. Some synonyms for 固 include stubborn, firm, stable, certain and indeed.
