
英语听力2024-04-16 00:15:55小编




Round moon is a term used to describe the shape of the moon during the full moon phase, or it can also refer to the full moon period. In Chinese culture, round moon is also given many positive meanings, such as reunion, harmony, auspiciousness, etc.


/raʊnd muːn/



The term "round moon" is usually used as a noun and can be used as a subject, object or attributive in a sentence. It can be used alone or in combination with other words, such as "moonlit night", "moon viewing", "round moon through telescope", etc.


1. 满天繁星下,一轮圆月悬挂在夜空中。

Under the starry sky, a round moon hung in the night sky.

2. 每年的中秋节,人们都会赏月、吃月饼,庆祝团圆。

During the Mid-Autumn Festival every year, people will enjoy the moon, eat mooncakes and celebrate reunion.

3. 望远镜下的圆月,让人感受到它的神秘与美妙。

The round moon through the telescope makes people feel its mystery and beauty.

4. 在传统文化中,圆月象征着团圆和吉祥。

In Chinese traditional culture, round moon symbolizes reunion and auspiciousness.

5. 满月时期的海洋,被一轮圆月映照得银光闪闪。

The ocean during the full moon period is shimmering under the reflection of a round moon.


1. 满月(full moon):指月亮在满月时期的形状,与“圆月”意思相同。

2. 望月(moonlit night):指在晴朗的夜晚能够看到明亮的圆月。

3. 皓月(bright moon):指明亮的圆满的月亮。

4. 中秋之夜(Mid-Autumn night):指每年农历八月十五日,在这一天人们赏月、吃团圆饭。

5. 上弦之夜(waxing gibbous):指在满月之前最后一个阶段,月亮的形状呈现出半圆形。

1. Full moon: refers to the shape of the moon during the full moon phase, same as "round moon".

2. Moonlit night: refers to a clear night when a bright round moon can be seen.

3. Bright moon: refers to a bright and full moon.

4. Mid-Autumn night: refers to the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, when people enjoy the moon and have reunion dinner.

5. Waxing gibbous: refers to the last phase before full moon, when the shape of the moon is half-round.


