
英语听力2024-04-16 00:22:54小编




Soil and timber structure refers to the structure, appearance and outline of civil engineering buildings. It includes various parts of a building, such as walls, columns, beams, etc., as well as their layout and combination in space. This term is often used to describe the overall appearance and structural characteristics of a building.


tu3 mu4 xing2 gai1 (tú mù xíng gài)



The term soil and timber structure is commonly used to describe the overall structure and appearance of a building, and can be used as a noun or adjective. For example: "The soil and timber structure of this building is very impressive." "He is a professional soil and timber structure designer."


1. 这座城市的土木形骸是由著名建筑师设计的。(The soil and timber structure of this city was designed by a famous architect.)

2. 在建筑设计中,土木形骸是非常重要的一部分。(In architectural design, soil and timber structure is a very important part.)

3. 这座桥梁的土木形骸经过精心计算和设计,具有很强的承重能力。(The soil and timber structure of this bridge was carefully calculated and designed, with strong load-bearing capacity.)

4. 他在大学学习土木工程,专攻土木形骸设计。(He studied civil engineering in college, specializing in soil and timber structure design.)

5. 这幅画以其精美的细节和独特的土木形骸而闻名。(This painting is known for its exquisite details and unique soil and timber structure.)


1. 建筑结构 (jiàn zhù jié gòu):也可以用来描述建筑物的整体结构和外观特征。

2. 结构轮廓 (jié gòu lún kuò):强调建筑物外观和轮廓。

3. 建筑风格 (jiàn zhù fēng gé):指建筑物所采用的风格和特色。

4. 结构特征 (jié gòu tè zhēng):强调建筑物的特征和特点。

5. 建筑形式 (jiàn zhù xíng shì):指建筑物的形式和结构。

1. Building structure: can also be used to describe the overall structure and appearance of a building.

2. Structural outline: emphasizes the appearance and outline of a building.

3. Architectural style: refers to the style and characteristics adopted by a building.

4. Structural features: emphasizes the features and characteristics of a building.

5. Architectural form: refers to the form and structure of a building.


