
英语听力2024-04-16 01:44:06小编




To have a narrow view of the world, lacking in perspective and knowledge. This idiom originated from the ancient Chinese fable "Zhuangzi · Outer Chapters", which tells the story of a man living at the bottom of a well, only able to see a small patch of sky above and thinking that it is the whole world. Therefore, sitting at the bottom of a well and looking at the sky also symbolizes having a narrow vision and shallow understanding.


坐井观天:zuò jǐng guān tiān



"坐井观天" is usually used to describe someone who has a narrow vision and shallow understanding. It can also be used to criticize a certain idea or practice for being too limited and one-sided.


1. 他一直待在家乡,坐井观天,对外面的世界一无所知。

He has been staying in his hometown, sitting at the bottom of a well, knowing nothing about the outside world.

2. 这个人太自负了,总是坐井观天,不肯听取别人的意见。

This person is too arrogant, always sitting at the bottom of a well, unwilling to listen to others' opinions.

3. 只有通过不断学习和开阔眼界,才能避免坐井观天的局限性。

Only by continuously learning and broadening our horizons can we avoid the limitations of sitting at the bottom of a well.

4. 不要只看到表面现象,要学会从多角度思考问题,否则就会陷入坐井观天的误区。

Don't just look at the surface, learn to think about problems from multiple perspectives, otherwise you will fall into the trap of sitting at the bottom of a well.

5. 坐井观天的人永远无法理解广阔的世界和多元的文化。

People who sit at the bottom of a well will never understand the vast world and diverse cultures.


1. 非驴非马:形容眼光狭窄、见识浅薄的人。也可以用来批评某种思想或做法过于局限和片面。

2. 狭隘之见:多指眼界狭窄、思想贫乏,缺乏开阔的视野。

3. 目光短浅:形容眼光狭窄,缺乏远见和认识深度。

4. 井底之蛙:比喻只能看到狭小世界的人,缺乏眼界和见识。

5. 非此即彼:形容思维方式简单、片面,只能看到两极,无法认识复杂的事物。

1. Non-horse non-donkey: Describes a person with narrow vision and shallow understanding. It can also be used to criticize a certain idea or practice for being too limited and one-sided.

2. Narrow-mindedness: Usually refers to narrow vision, poor thinking, and lack of broad perspective.

3. Short-sightedness: Describes someone with narrow vision, lacking foresight and depth of understanding.

4. Frog at the bottom of the well: Metaphor for someone who can only see a small world and lacks vision and understanding.

5. Either this or that: Describes a simple and one-sided way of thinking, only able to see two extremes, unable to understand complex things.


