
英语听力2024-04-16 01:55:10小编




"Persevere to the end!" means to keep trying and never give up, persisting until the very end. It conveys a sense of determination and perseverance, indicating that no matter what difficulties or challenges one may face, they will continue on until they achieve success.


坚持到底!的音标为jiān chí dào dǐ。



"Persevere to the end!" is usually used as a way to encourage and motivate others, but it can also be used to express one's own determination and belief. It can be used in various situations, such as work, studying, sports, etc.


1. 我知道这个项目很困难,但是我们必须要坚持到底!

I know this project is challenging, but we must persevere to the end!

2. 她每天早上都会跑步,她的坚持到底的真令人钦佩。

She goes for a run every morning, her perseverance is truly admirable.

3. 我们不能放弃,我们必须要坚持到底,直到我们达成目标。

We can't give up, we must persevere to the end until we reach our goal.

4. 即使遇到挫折,也要坚持到底,因为成功就在不远处。

Even in the face of setbacks, persevere to the end because success is just around the corner.

5. 坚持到底的人才能享受成功的喜悦。

Only those who persevere to the end can enjoy the joy of success.


1. 坚持不懈 (jiān chí bù xiè) - 指持续不断地努力直到达成目标。

2. 不屈不挠 (bù qū bù náo) - 指在困难面前毫不动摇,坚决不退缩。

3. 不言放弃 (bù yán fàng qì) - 指永远不会放弃,并且会一直努力下去。

4. 坚忍不拔 (jiān rěn bù bá) - 指具有极强的毅力和耐心,永远不会放弃。

5. 坚持不渝 (jiān chí bù yú) - 指始终保持信念和目标,永不动摇。


