
英语听力2024-04-16 02:20:09小编




Lime is a white powdery substance, mainly composed of calcium hydroxide and calcium carbonate, commonly used in construction, agriculture, and medicine. In chemistry, it is also known as quicklime or calcium oxide.



The pronunciation of lime is /ɛ/, pronounced as "é".


1. 建筑行业:垩被广泛应用于建筑行业,作为水泥和混凝土的重要成分。它可以增强材料的硬度和耐久性,从而提高建筑物的稳定性。

2. 农业:垩也被用作农业肥料,在土壤中添加垩可以调节酸碱平衡,促进植物生长。

3. 医药:在医药领域,垩被用来制作抗酸药物,如抗酸胃药。它还可以用来治疗骨质疏松症和高血压等疾病。

1. Construction industry: Lime is widely used in the construction industry as an important component of cement and concrete. It can enhance the hardness and durability of materials, thereby improving the stability of buildings.

2. Agriculture: Lime is also used as agricultural fertilizer, adding lime to the soil can regulate the pH balance and promote plant growth.

3. Medicine: In the field of medicine, lime is used to make anti-acid drugs, such as antacids. It can also be used to treat diseases such as osteoporosis and hypertension.


1. 建筑工人正在用垩来制作水泥。

The construction workers are using lime to make cement.

2. 农民在土壤中添加垩来改善作物的生长环境。

Farmers add lime to the soil to improve the growth environment for crops.

3. 这种药物含有垩成分,可以缓解胃酸反流引起的不适。

This medication contains lime and can relieve discomfort caused by acid reflux.

4. 垩可以用来消毒,因为它具有抗菌作用。

Lime can be used for disinfection because it has antibacterial properties.

5. 这座城市的建筑物大多数都是用白色的垩砌成的。

Most of the buildings in this city are made of white lime.


1. 石灰(limestone):也是一种含有氢氧化钙和碳酸钙的物质,与垩的成分相似,但石灰更多指天然矿物质,而垩则是经过加工制作。

2. 生石灰(quicklime):也是指氢氧化钙和碳酸钙的混合物,但它通常指未经水化的石灰,具有强烈的腐蚀性。

3. 水泥(cement):是一种建筑材料,主要成分为硅酸盐和铝酸盐,在建筑中与垩常常一起使用。

4. 钙(calcium):是一种重要的元素,与垩中所含的钙元素相同。它在人体中起着重要的生理作用。

1. Limestone: It is also a substance containing calcium hydroxide and calcium carbonate, similar to the composition of lime, but limestone refers to natural minerals, while lime is processed.

2. Quicklime: It also refers to a mixture of calcium hydroxide and calcium carbonate, but it usually refers to unhydrated lime, which is highly corrosive.

3. Cement: It is a building material mainly composed of silicates and aluminates, often used together with lime in construction.

4. Calcium: It is an important element, the same as the calcium element contained in lime. It plays an important physiological role in the human body.


