
英语听力2024-04-16 02:51:54小编



Basic principle refers to the fundamental reason and mechanism of the existence of things, which is the most basic and important principle that constitutes things. It can help us to have a deeper understanding of the essence and operation of things.


基本原理 [jī běn yuán lǐ]


基本原理 can be used as a noun phrase or as an adjective phrase. As a noun phrase, it refers to the fundamental principle or theory behind something. As an adjective phrase, it describes something that is based on fundamental principles.


1. 基本原理是科学研究的基础。

The basic principles are the foundation of scientific research.

2. 了解这个的基本原理非常重要。

Understanding the basic principles of this system is crucial.

3. 这个发明是建立在新颖的基本原理上。

This invention is based on a novel basic principle.

4. 我们需要掌握这门课程的基本原理。

We need to grasp the basic principles of this course.

5. 这个公司的成功有赖于它坚持的基本原理。

The success of this company relies on the basic principles it adheres to.


1. 根本原则 (gēn běn yuán zé)

根本原则 has a similar meaning to 基本原理, both referring to the fundamental principle or theory behind something.

2. 基础理论 (jī chǔ lǐ lùn)

基础理论 is often used to describe the basic theories or principles in a specific field of study.

3. 核心原则 (hé xīn yuán zé)

核心原则 emphasizes the central or core principles of something.


