英文释义:To stick to the rules and traditions, and unwilling to change or accept new ideas or methods. It can also be understood as being conservative and afraid of taking risks to try new things.
二:怎么读(音标):[mò shǒu chéng guī]
1. 他太墨守成规了,从来不愿意尝试新的方法。
He is too stuck in his ways and never wants to try new methods.
2. 这个公司需要一位勇于创新的领导者,而不是一个墨守成规的老板。
This company needs a leader who is willing to innovate, not a boss who sticks to old ways.
3. 他们之所以失败,就是因为太过于墨守成规,没有跟上时代的步伐。
The reason why they failed is that they were too stuck in their ways and didn't keep up with the times.
4. 我们需要打破常规,不要墨守成规,才能在市场竞争中立于不败之地。
We need to break the norm and not stick to old ways in order to stay invincible in the market competition.
5. 他的成功得益于他的勇气和创新,而不是墨守成规。
His success is due to his courage and innovative spirit, not sticking to old ways.