
英语听力2024-04-16 03:58:03小编




The term "vengeful female corpse" refers to the phenomenon of deceased women coming back to life with the intention of seeking revenge. This is often depicted in horror stories, movies, or literature, and creates a strong sense of eeriness and terror.


复仇女尸 [fù chóu nǚ shī]



The term "vengeful female corpse" is commonly used to describe a supernatural phenomenon and can be a main character or plot element in literature, movies, or stories. It can also be used to describe someone with a strong desire for revenge, similar to the term "vengeful g".


1. 这部恐怖电影讲述了一位复仇女尸在死后回来寻求报复的故事。

This horror movie tells the story of a vengeful female corpse who comes back to seek revenge after her death.

2. 传说中的复仇女尸被认为是死后无法得到安息的怨灵。

The legend of the vengeful female corpse is believed to be a restless spirit who cannot find peace after death.

3. 他梦见自己被一位复仇女尸追杀,吓得一夜都没睡好。

He had a nightmare about being chased by a vengeful female corpse and couldn't sleep well all night.

4. 这部小说中,主人公遭遇了一位复仇女尸的诅咒,一系列可怕的开始发生。

In this novel, the protagonist is cursed by a vengeful female corpse, and a series of terrifying events start to occur.

5. 她变得越来越像一位复仇女尸,对曾经伤害过她的人进行报复。

She became more and more like a vengeful female corpse, seeking revenge against those who had wronged her.


1. 报复鬼 (bào fù guǐ):指已故者为了报复而回来缠绕活着的人类,与复仇女尸有相似之处。

2. 恶鬼 (è guǐ):指邪恶、残忍的鬼魂,常常在恐怖故事中出现。

3. 女鬼 (nǚ guǐ):指女性形象的鬼魂,也可以用来形容恶毒、阴险的女人。

4. 恐怖故事 (kǒng bù gù shi):指以惊悚、恐怖为主题的故事,通常会涉及到复仇女尸这样的超自然现象。

1. Vengeful g: refers to the deceased who comes back to haunt the living for revenge, similar to the vengeful female corpse.

2. Evil spirit: refers to an evil and cruel g, often appearing in horror stories.

3. Female g: refers to a female g and can also be used to describe a malicious and cunning woman.

4. Horror story: refers to a story with themes of horror and terror, often involving supernatural phenomena such as vengeful female corpses.


